Welcome to Pragati Pipe Industries


Product: MDPE PIPE

We manufacture MDPE Pipe (Medium Density Polyethylene Pipes) as per Indian as well as International standards, which can also be customized as per the specifications of our clients. Complying with various standards. In adherence to the set industrial standards, offered pipes are precisely manufactured using better quality required material and advanced machinery at vendors’ end. Pipes, offered by us are very much cherished by our clients for their finish and elevated durability.


Range Dia.: 16 Mm To 200 Mm Od
Standard: ISO 4427-2:2007
Brand: Pragati,Ruston,Penguin
Grade: Pe 63, Pe 80, Pe 100
Color: Blue, Skyblue, Orange, Black, White, Yellow
Country Of Origin: Made In India
Head Shape: Round
Pressure Class: 4KG TO 25 KG
Length: Available In Standard Length 50,100,200,500 And 1000 Meter Colls Depending On The Pipes Dimensions. Or Large Diameter In Fixed Length Of 6 Meter As Per Customer Requirements.
Material: Mdpe






Pipe Series
SDR 6 SDR 7.4 SDR 9 SDR 11 SDR 13.6 SDR 17 SDR 21 SDR 26 SDR 33 SDR 41
S 2.5 SDR 3.2 S 4 S 5 S 6.3 S 8 S 10 S 12.5 S 16 S 20
Nominal Pressure (PN) Bar
PE 63 PN 10 PN 8 PN 5 PN 4 PN 3.2 PN 2.5
PE 80 PN 25 PN 20 PN 16 PN 12.5 PN 10 PN 8 PN 6 PN 5 PN 4 PN 3.2
PE 100 PN 25 PN 20 PN 16 PN 12.5 PN 10 PN 8 PN 6 PN 5 PN 4
Nominal Size OD
Wall thknessess mm
e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max e min e max
16 0.3 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.3
20 0.3 3.4 3.9 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.3
25 0.3 4.2 4.8 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.3
32 0.3 5.4 6.1 4.4 5.0 3.6 4.1 3.0 3.4 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.3
40 0.4 6.7 7.5 5.5 6.2 4.5 5.1 3.7 4.2 3 3.5 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.3
50 0.5 8.3 9.3 6.9 7.7 5.6 6.3 4.6 5.2 3.7 4.2 3.0 3.4 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.3
63 0.6 10.5 11.7 8.6 9.6 7.1 8 5.8 6.5 4.7 5.3 3.8 4.3 3.0 3.4 2.5 2.9
75 0.7 12.5 13.9 10.3 11.5 8.4 9.4 6.8 7.6 5.6 6.3 4.5 5.1 3.6 4.1 2.9 3.3
90 0.9 15.0 16.7 12.3 13.7 10.1 11.3 8.2 9.2 6.7 7.5 5.4 6.1 4.3 4.9 3.5 4
110 1 18.3 20.3 15.1 16.8 12.3 13.7 10.0 11.1 8.1 9.1 6.6 7.4 5.3 6 4.2 4.8
125 1.2 20.8 23.0 17.1 19.0 14.0 15.6 11.4 12.7 9.2 10.3 7.4 8.3 6.0 6.7 4.8 5.4
140 1.3 23.3 25.8 19.2 21.3 15.7 17.4 12.7 14.1 10.3 11.5 8.3 9.3 6.7 7.5 5.4 6.1
160 1.5 26.6 29.4 21.9 24.2 17.9 19.8 14.6 16.2 11.8 13.1 9.5 10.6 7.7 8.6 6.2 7.0
180 1.7 29.9 33.0 24.6 27.2 20.1 22.3 16.4 18.2 13.3 14.8 10.7 11.9 8.6 9.6 6.9 7.7
200 1.8 33.2 36.7 27.4 30.3 22.4 24.8 18.2 20.2 14.7 16.3 11.9 13.2 9.6 10.7 7.7 8.6
225 2.1 37.4 41.3 30.8 34.0 25.2 27.9 20.5 22.7 16.6 18.4 13.4 14.9 10.8 12.0 8.6 9.6
250 2.3 41.5 45.8 34.2 37.8 27.9 30.8 22.7 25.1 18.4 20.4 14.8 16.4 11.9 13.2 9.6 10.7
280 2.6 46.5 51.3 38.3 42.3 31.3 34.6 25.4 28.1 20.6 22.8 16.6 18.4 13.4 14.9 10.7 11.9
315 2.9 52.3 57.7 43.1 47.6 35.2 38.9 28.6 31.6 23.2 25.7 18.7 20.7 15.0 16.6 12.1 13.5 9.7 10.8 7.7 8.6
355 3.2 59.0 65.0 48.5 53.5 39.7 43.8 32.2 35.6 26.1 28.9 21.1 23.4 16.9 18.7 13.6 15.1 10.9 12.1 8.7 9.7
400 3.6 54.7 60.3 44.7 49.3 36.3 40.1 29.4 32.5 23.7 26.2 19.1 21.2 15.3 17.0 12.3 13.7 9.8 10.9
450 4.1 61.5 67.8 50.3 55.5 40.9 45.1 33.1 36.6 26.7 29.5 21.5 23.8 17.2 19.1 13.8 15.3 11.0 12.2
500 4.5 55.8 61.5 45.4 50.1 36.8 40.6 29.7 32.8 23.9 26.4 19.1 21.2 15.3 17 12.3 13.7
560 5.1 62.5 68.9 50.8 56.0 41.2 45.5 33.2 36.7 26.7 29.5 21.4 23.7 17.2 19.1 13.7 15.2
630 5.7 70.3 77.5 57.2 63.1 46.3 51.1 37.4 41.3 30 33.1 24.1 26.7 19.3 21.4 15.4 17.1
710 6.4 79.3 87.4 64.5 71.1 52.2 57.6 42.1 46.5 33.9 37.4 27.2 30.1 21.8 24.1 17.4 19.3
800 7.2 89.3 98.4 72.6 80.0 58.8 64.8 47.4 52.3 38.1 42.1 30.6 33.8 24.5 27.1 19.6 21.7
900 8.1 81.7 90.0 66.2 73.0 53.3 58.8 42.9 47.3 34.4 38.3 27.6 30.5 22.0 24.3
1000 9 90.2 99.4 72.5 79.9 59.3 65.4 47.7 52.6 38.2 42.2 30.6 33.5 24.5 27.1
1200 10.8 88.2 97.2 67.9 74.8 57.2 63.1 45.9 50.6 36.7 40.5 29.4 32.5
1400 12.6 102.9 113.3 82.4 90.8 66.7 73.5 53.5 59 42.9 47.3 34.3 37.9
1600 14.4 117.6 129.5 94.1 103.7 76.2 84.0 61.2 67.5 49.0 54.0 39.2 43.3
1800 16.2 105.9 116.6 85.7 94.4 69.1 76.2 54.5 60.1 43.8 48.3
2000 18 117.6 129.5 95.2 104.9 76.9 84.7 60.6 66.8 48.8 53.8

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